When Does the I-864 Contract Terminate

The I-864 Contract terminates when one of five events occur:

  1. The lawful permanent resident third-party beneficiary becomes a United states citizen.

  2. The lawful permanent resident third-party beneficiary earns or has acquired 40 qualifying quarters of employment as defined by the Social Security


  3. The lawful permanent resident third-party beneficiary is deported and actually leaves the United States permanently.

  4. A new I-864 Affidavit of Support is filed on behalf of the lawful permanent resident pursuant to an adjustment application.

  5. The lawful permanent resident third-party beneficiary dies

    In other blogs I have discussed the termination of the I-864 Contract based on events one and two. The second terminating event provides you with some argument. Terminating events one and two may be achieved shortly after marriage. It is even possible that if your spouse was in the united States before you married that s/he already acquired 40 QQ’s and an I-864 Waiver can be filed.

Kyndra L Mulder, Esquire Google User

Kyndra L Mulder, Esquire, is a Jacksonville immigration attorney and Jacksonville immigration lawyer. She is an experienced immigration attorney near you with more than 30 years experience. Attorney Mulder represents clients in Federal Court Litigation for the enforcement of the I-864 Affidavit of Support or as a defense attorney for a United States Citizen being sued for breach of the I-864 Affidavit of Support Contract.


Can I Withdraw the I-864 that I Signed?